Ulster Carpets - Wool Factsheet - Page 6

Here at Hereward Carpets, we are well-known for supplying and installing high-quality carpets in Peterborough and surrounding areas. We take pride in being able to offer customers whatever flooring they need; within the budget they have. To do this, we need to be able to offer a wide range of flooring from a range of flooring manufacturers. One of the carpet manufacturers we offer our customers is Ulster Carpets. In this blog post, we look at why we offer Ulster Carpets to our customers and what makes their flooring so special.

Suit every taste and style

Just like us, Ulster recognise that everyone has different tastes. Based on this knowledge, they have created an extensive range of carpet designs that suit every taste and style. Their range runs from classic and contemporary right through to modern and retro.

Awareness of ecological and environmental issues 

In addition, Ulster recognises that there is a growing awareness of ecological and environmental issues. Based on this, they have developed a Natural Choice range of carpets. This is an eco-collection of carpets that are woven from 100% undyed wool.

The Natural Choice range of carpets is inspired by nature and composed of renewable and natural elements. The carpets in this range are completely recyclable and biodegradable at the end of their life cycle. This means that they will have minimal effect on the environment. For more information on this topic, please click here.

Luxurious feeling 

Wool has always been the material of choice for Ulster Carpets. This is because of many reasons. For example, wool offers comfort while looking great. The softness of the carpet underfoot is a luxurious feeling. It also retains its colour for longer, and the elasticity of wool carpet means it bounces back into its original shape.

If you want to see the luxurious appeal of Ulster wool carpets for yourself, call our team. You can book a home visit where we can bring some samples to your home. Alternatively, you can pop to our carpet showroom in Peterborough, where you can see all the flooring and carpet options for yourself.